Ministry Update
It is hard to believe that we are only 8 days away from leaving for
Bulgaria and Greece where we will be for a month. God is opening the
door for us to reconnect once again with friends and ministry partners
from that part of the world. We would highly appreciate your prayers,
as we will be ministering in churches and to pastors and leaders in
these two countries. If you would like to give a financial gift toward this
trip, that would help us meet the expenses and be able to bless those
we will be working with.
Projects Highlight
On this trip we will be hosting a missions team from Paradigm Shift in Muscogee, Oklahoma which will partner with two churches in the northeast Muslim region of Bulgaria. We are organizing with them a youth conference called One Night With The King. We are expecting young people from around the country and from the neighboring country of Romania. Your prayers will be highly appreciated for this event to make a lasting impact on everyone present, both from the US and Europe.
A highlight for us on this trip will be reconnecting with a ministry in Athens, Greece, called Nea Zoi. A
few years ago, Michelle had the privilege of serving with them in their outreaches to over thirty
brothels in the Red Light district of Athens where she met young women trafficked out of Bulgaria and
other nations. We have been asked to partner with Nea Zoi in their Easter outreach to provide
Bulgarian Bibles and Christian literature for the women they are
ministering to. Will you consider donating toward helping us provide
these New Testaments and Christian books? We are thankful for a large
donation that came in last week to purchase part of the New Testaments.
It would help to have another $500 to be able to purchase the complete number of Bibles and books needed.
We are very excited to spend some of the time in Bulgaria to prepare the ministry house which was
donated to us for retreats for pastors and leaders who need a time a refreshing and restoration. Our
goal is to start with our first Double Honor retreat this summer. The house is equipped with nearly
everything we will need for the retreats. We still need to buy a washer, a dryer and make a few minor
renovations. This would most likely require around $1,500.
I would love to find churches in the USA willing to partner with new church startups in the places where we have established relationships. A small investment in a church in Eastern Europe makes a big difference in the lives of many people there who have never heard the Good News before. If you are interested in more information of how your church can partner with GIN in this, please let us know.
Looking Forward
In 2019 we are looking into hosting 3 – 6 missions teams in Bulgaria and the Balkan region. We will
continue to connect churches and ministries from the West with churches and ministries in Eastern
Europe to help create long-term ministry relationships. The vision of GIN is to accommodate strategic
partnerships between leaders and projects in Eastern Europe with resources in the West, enabling
them to fulfill their God-given vision and mission. We have witnessed the
impact God has made on people’s lives through the partnerships GIN has
established in 2018. We look forward to expanding in 2019 and seeing
even more lives influenced for eternity. We invite you to consider
joining one of our missions trips to Bulgaria and the Balkan countries
this year.
Opportunities To Help
If you feel that God is calling you to partner with us in some way, we will be glad to share with you various opportunities. We believe God is giving Bulgaria and Europe a window of opportunity to see the Light and experience God’s love like never before. We would be honored if you choose to join this
new adventure with us.
Our website is up and running, as well as our Facebook page. Through these outlets we will keep you informed of specific opportunities to partner with GIN.
We have prayerfully considered partnering with a couple of projects, so that we can make a bigger impact with the resources available to us right now. Let us know if you would like more information about the specific needs of the ministries we will be partnering with.
Donations are accepted through our website (, the Venmo App, as well as through checks and credit cards.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Nikolai Stefanov and the Global Impact Network team
555 S Memorial Dr
Tulsa, OK 74112, USA
[email protected]