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Global Impact Network (GIN) was birthed in November of 2017 by a group of people with a passion to enable leaders and organizations to reach their potential and fulfill their mission. Many people have great ideas and visions of how to make a positive impact in this world; however, they do not have the necessary resources to fulfill them. It is our experience and belief that sometimes just the right piece of information or the right relationship can make the difference in someone being successful and reaching their full potential.
Others have the resources and the desire to make an impact in the lives of people, yet they are not always aware of the available opportunities around the world to help those who are less fortunate. Connecting them with an opportunity to make an impact in the lives of people in their community or across the world can be the most fulfilling thing in their lives. As Jesus teaches His disciples:

'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

The passion of Global Impact Network is to deliver meaningful transformation by empowering, connecting and equipping leaders and organizations, Kingdom investors and service providers. Our vision is to Empower, Connect, and Equip. We desire to be a bridge that connects leaders and organizations with resources and others who are like-minded. For more information of how we can partner together, connect with us here.



We do what we say. Funds always go to the projects they were donated for. We are good stewards of what God has provided and entrusted.


We provide the highest quality of services and service providers, thus setting the standard for others to follow.


We are who we say we are at home, at work and in all situations. Our partners are welcome to audit us at any time. Sponsors are welcome and encouraged to come and see first-hand the projects they are partnering with.


Excellent reporting and feedback guaranteed for every donation. We believe that we are to honor God, the government and our partners as an organization.

Equal opportunity

We believe that women and men, young and elderly, wealthy and underprivileged people as well as people from all races were all created equal in the image of God. Through our network we are helping to connect people and organizations with available resources, opportunities and Kingdom investors.

Excellent communication

Communication is vital to the success of every project and for the effectiveness of our team. Therefore, we will be very intentional in providing the necessary information to each other as well as to our partners, so that they are enabled to make an informed decision.


We will network with other agencies, ministries and organizations toward our common goal.


God is generous and His resources are unlimited; therefore, we can be extravagant in generosity.


We believe for the impossible and dare to dream bigger than ourselves.


We serve with the servant heart of Christ.


We are motivated by compassion for PEOPLE, not just doing “projects”. We are driven by eternity.

Demonstrate the Gospel

We believe God accompanies the message of the Gospel with expressions of the gifts of the Spirit, signs, wonders and miracles.